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Railway Letter Service - Stamp Collection £3.99

Railway Letter Service

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Railway Letter Service Stamps Collection The Railway Letter Post was established in 1981 by agreement between the Postmaster General and 75 British railway companies. The service, for the carriage of single post letters by train for a fee of 2d, began on 1st February 1981.

The Festiniog Railway Company began a party to the agreement on 28th May 1891. In the 1930s letters were accepted and carried on the Railway, payment being marked by the use of a parcel stamp on the envelope. The service was revived on 28th May 1969 when, for the first time, a set of stamps was issued. Since then sveral sets of definitive stamps have been issued, as well as commemorative stamps, covers and cancellations to mark special occasions in the Railway's history. The Railway Letter Service agreement was renewed on 25th July 1974.

The main Railway Letter Service Stamps, to commemorate the Act of Incorporation, 150th Anniversary 1832 - 1982, in this pack were designed by Michael Seymour, Hon. Curator of Archives & Relics. This pack also contains an assortment of various other Railway Letter Stamps

Please note these stamps are not intended for use on postal items and are a collectors item only.
Image for illustrative purpsoses only, contents may differ slightly